


点击数:57452019/5/27 15:28:53 来源: 广东专插本辅导网

Part II Vocabulary and Structure(20 points)

Directions: There are 40 incom plete sentences in this part. For each sen tence there are 4 choices marked A BC and D. Choose the one that best com pletes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

36. He gets up early and reads English aloud__he has greatly improved his English.

A. On the way  B. by the way  C. in this way  D. in this means

37. I shall be in China for three weeks. Can you make some suggestions_what I should see?

A. or else    B. as to    C. so as to  D. up to

38. __answering the question, the manager shrugged his shoulders as if it were not imporatnt.

A. In case of   B. In the place of   C. Instead of    D. In front of

39. The students are_young people between the age of sixteen and twenty.

A. Most   B. Almost   C. mostly   D. at most

40. She has no interest in cooking and shopping,___I.

A. so do   B, neither do  C. so too am   D. nor  am

41. The police are trying to find out the__of the woman killed in the traffic accidient.

A, evidence B. recoginition C identity D. status


42. The table is__the other one.

A. the same heigh

B. as higher as

C. high

D. as the same height

43. On the_of our sales forecast, we can make more profits.

A base   B.basic  C. hasis   D, bases

44.If no one__the phone at home, ring me at work.

A. Returns   B.replies   C, answers     D. receives

45. Speech is___heard when it is given in a clear voice just slightly louder than normal.

A. Hardly   B. less   C. completely   D.best

46. It may rain, but I shall go out_

A somehow   B. anyhow  C. somewhat  Danywhere

47. They need twenty more workers_their group to do the job.

A. Except


C. Beside

D, besides

48, It's no use ringing me up at the office this week because I am __

A by my leave

B at leave

C. in holidays

D. on holiday

49. It is said that__ he a murder.

A. committed   B conducted  C. Executed   D. emitted

50.I__you to come to my house next Sunday.

A. hope

B. wish

C. feel like

D.don’ t think

51. Don't have the water_like this all the time.

A. run, do you

B. running, will you

C.to run,will you

D. run. shall we

52._he has been chosen to work as a teacher in the mountain village_him feel very proud.

A. That, make

B. Whether, make

C. That, makes

D. Where, make

53. Follow the directions on the bottle carefully when_.

A. you will take the medicine

B. taking the medicine

C. to take the medicine

D. taken the medicine

54. The boy pretended_his home work. when his parents came back home

A. to do

B. Do


D. to be doing

55. The sun shines brightly in the sky_us light and heat

A that give  B having given  C to give  D. giving

56, So badly_in the accident that he was sent to a hospital.

A. did he hurt  B. he was hurt C. was he hurt  D. be did hurt

57. There are five pairs_,but I'm at a loss which to buy

A. to be chosen

B. to choose from

C. to choose

D, for choosing

58. After the flood, no house in the village_.

A. left standing

B. was left to stand

C. remained standing

D: was remained stood

59. The question_at the meeting tomorrow is very important.

A. to discuss

B. being discussed

C. to be discussed

D. will be discussed

60. It won't be long_the modern communications spread over all the villages in china.

A. When   B. before   C. until    D. as

61. Weighing five hundred pounds,_.

A. the cupboard could move

B. she could not move the cupboard

C. the cupboard was too heavy for one person to move

D. the cupboard was unable to move

62.The professor gave orders that the test_before 10:30.

A. will finish  B. will be finished   C, be finished  D. shall finish

63._you have got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.

A. Now that

B. After

C. Although

D. As soon as

64. It was raining_was a pity.


B. that

C. as

D. which

65. The car was going too fast on a wet road,_it crashed and the driver was in hospital.

A. But  B.morover   C. furthermore   D. so

66. Paper making began in China and from there it_to North Africa and Europe.

A. spran

B. Spilled


D, spread

67. When products made in factories_they are thrown away as garbage.

A. Come to an end   B. are put to use      C.are used up   D. wear out

68. It is not profitable to provide bus services in districts where the population is widely_.

A. Scattered    B.  dismissed       C         . separated    D. spread

69. Stressful environments lend to unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits. Which_increase the risk of heart disease.

A. In turn  B, in return  C.  by chance    D.  by turns

70.In aerospace devices the weight of th enecessary power producing equipment is __.

A. Vital    B.  possible    C.capable   D.reliable

71. The man and the horse_tell into the river were drowned.

A. Which     B. who    C. that    D. of which

72. He must have been late for the conference yesterday,__?

A, didn't he    B. haven't he     C. mustn't he    D.wasn’the

73._the number of cars. he thought, there were not many people at the club yet.

A. To judge from

B. Judging from

C. Judged from

D. Judge from

74. They were welcomed_than they had expected.

A.more warm

B.more warmly

C, the most warmly

D. more friendly

75. The police_the lost boy in the forest.

A. were searching

B.was finding

C. were searching for

D, was looking for

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